One fantastic thing about video games, or interactive mediums in general, is how easy it is to slip into the shoes of a character. Want…
Xenoblade Chronicles is on the horizon for North American Wii owners. If you're an impatient American, such as myself, you've cursed Reggie's name and moved…
This article was written based on a Destructoid community blog topic. Not having touched Mass Effect series, I can't really say anything about what's going…
Operation Rainfall was a push from the community to get three unlocalized Wii titles brought over to the west. But how successful was it? (more…)
I own my fair share of Japanese role-playing games, many of which I've purchased and have gotten hours of enjoyment out of... watching them collect…
Originally written for the Collegian Newspaper at Georgia State University. Sony Corporation’s PlayStation Vita, the successor to their seven-year-old PlayStation Portable gaming hand-held, will be…
The Legend of Zelda's Overworlds have evolved over the course of the series. However, they've started to get smaller and smaller. (more…)
Nintendo of America has finally started pushing demos on Nintendo 3DS. And, they launched with a bit of doozy -- Resident Evil Revelations. (more…)
When applying for a job position awhile back ago I had to review a free flash game called Music Catch in under 300 words. Unfortunately,…
One thing I absolutely love about Nintendo it is that they can take an average idea and create something seemingly fresh with just a bit…