Kishin Douji Zenki FX: Vajura Fight (鬼神童子ZENKI FX 金剛焱闘) is one of the most popular PC-FX titles. However there are some key elements you won't…
A pre-release episode of Car Talk that didn't make it onto the Patreon. (more…)
Recently Nick Miller of Queen City Side Quests asked to talk to me about one of my favorite games, Doraemon: Nobita and the Three Fairy…
Ojousama Sousamou (お嬢様捜査網) is a slow going but fun maze game on the PC-FX. It's pretty approachable for English speakers, but requires some help. (more…)
Tokimeki Card Paradise (ときめきカードパラダイス 〜恋のロイヤルストレートフラッシュ〜) is a very easy to approach title for the PC-FX. It mostly features traditional card games. This is a series…
HuneX Fighters '98 (ヒューネックスファイターズ'98) isn't a full video game, however it is an interesting mini-game all PC-FX fans should check out. (more…)
Makeruna! Makendo Z (負けるな!魔剣道Z) is a PC-FX JRPG that's easy to approach thanks to its linear level design and simple battle system. (more…)
First Kiss Story (ファーストKiss☆物語) looks intimidating up front, and enjoying it will take some patience. But its simple story is easy to follow. (more…)
Battle Heat! (バトルヒート) looks like a mess. But a little bit of research ahead of time will get you on track to playing this cinematic…
The PC-FX is a system with a lot of negative baggage online. This is partially thanks to the language barrier. Here's how I approach this…