I love bad voice acting in video games. It’s lovely when it’s so painful that it’s good. Occasionally it can be unbearable, like in Gotcha Force.
The main problem with Gotcha Force’s voice acting is that the entire cast is made up of kids. Usually you’ll see women voice actors used for young characters. It brings in a level of professionalism, skill and experience children don’t have. In Gotcha Force’s case, they probably used kids. The delivery is absolutely terrible. There’s no spirit at all as they awkwardly read off lines of dialog.
It’s hard to put in words what makes poor voice acting good or bad. While not always true, I think it’s best when the voice actor tries but fails miserably. Someone who just sounds like they’re bored or reading directly off a piece of paper might start to grind on your nerves. But even the most unenthusiastic performances can be entertaining.