Nintendoji is a maze dungeon crawler released in Japan as a downloadable Club Nintendo reward. You play a priest who descends into the city to purify it. Along the way, you will collect treasures, including items based on Nintendo mascots. You can learn more about the game in my video.

The game is entirely in Japanese, but I found it very playable once you knew where to find the information you needed.

Nintendoji is almost entirely item driven. So understanding what you’re using and why is very important. An item guide is essential for playing the game effectively. I created one built on a mix of machine translation and my personal experience using items in the game. There are a lot of items, so I recommend having this list ready any time you play.

Check out the item guide. Utilize filters to find the type of item you need.

The other critical components of the game are navigation, fighting, and evading unseen foes, which you’ll need to learn to identify. However, once you understand these elements, you won’t need to refer to a guide regularly. To learn about these, I recommend utilizing njoy’s guide, which goes deep into how the game works. It’s all in Japanese, but using a machine translator such as DeepL (recommended) or Google Translate will provide insight into how the game is played. The official Nintendoji manual can also give some help as well.

If you’d like to see an example of how Nintendoji is played using these resources, I have a stream where I demonstrated playing the game.