Hey! I hope all is well and thank you guys again for the support you show me!
I thought it would be worth chatting a bit about the next 2-3 months here but in a bit more depth than I have in other places. So, if you haven’t heard, I’m basically putting the channel on a little bit of a pause for the rest of this year. Podcasts, Streams, and Patreon content per usual will keep going up. I also have the panels I’m working on for this month that will go up on the channel as well assuming the recordings turn out fine.
More importantly, I’m probably going to make some significant changes to the channel during December and going into the new year. The big thing is I really wanted to separate the more scripted videos from the more commentary/stream/podcast-based stuff.
Essentially the goal will likely be to keep the main channel going as the premiere video channel, then if you’re interested in the day-to-day chitter-chatter of my podcast, streams, and other more laidback content, that will be on a new secondary channel.
The big goal of this is to make the main channel something that can find some success by being more focused on a particular audience and type of content. Exactly what that will look like is something I need to figure out, but that’s the plan for now.

Bikkuri Mouse

Importantly, I think the second channel will give me creative freedom to talk about and cover whatever I want in a space where I’m not worried about it getting in the way of the focus of the other channel. Hopefully, this also means I can worry less about the optics of each release and just put out whatever I want since I assume if you’re following the channel, you’re just along for the ride of my gaming life.
Though one other aspect of this too is to cut back on producing the mid-range video that never really performed well on my channel. As much as I enjoy casual reviews, unboxings, etc. They never really performed on my channel, so I think the goal will be to intergrade some of these into the podcast and stream itself to simplify the production process or make them for Patreon.
Podcast Highlights were kind of an experiment with this and I’m actually very happy with them overall (though they can use some tweaks). It really loosened up the feeling of needing to button to do a review, which honestly made it a lot less stressful when picking games. When I was picking a game, I often also factored in the time it would take to review something, so it kept me from approaching certain games.
English PC-FX Guide OCP Header
The not-so-super-secret 3rd part of this is that I’m planning on trying to spotlight the PC-FX more. I’ve been a leaky faucet on this, but I’ll try to keep the details vague on it formally at least lol.
I don’t believe my existing channels are a good place to cover the PC-FX. It’s a niche topic that typically gets buried in between videos for Nintendo games, cheerleading games, and PS1 imports. So, the plan is to work with some other people on making a specific place for PC-FX stuff.
In addition, I want to have set delivery intervals so there’s a consistent flow of PC-FX stuff, rather than things just showing up randomly when I can fit it in on my channel. What exactly what this will look like yet is a bit up in the air, but I do think it will largely be a separate entity from the One Controller Port content, though I’m sure I’ll still promote that stuff on this channel.
Anyways, I think a lot of this is coming about from a culmination of things in my life. Being in my early 30s, changing career paths, and some general conversations with some families and friends I think had made me realize I needed to take more of a smarter approach to the things I’m doing. My concern is if I continue as is then eventually, I would need to drastically cut back on my time making content. But I love doing it so If I can keep making content consistently, that’d make me happier. So hopefully this is a step in the right direction.
Thanks again for your support and your patience as I shift things around!