When I played the original NieR more than half a decade ago, I don't think I could have ever have foreseen how much it'd resonate…
Aside from the initial reveal, I've largely ignored of NieR: Automata. I've got nothing against it, I just don't get much out of preview coverage.…
I'm in the odd position of preferring Rodea the Sky Soldier on Wii U versus the generally agreed upon better release on Wii. This video…
My previous Pandora’s Tower post probably made it sound like I loved the game. But I can’t say the gameplay is nearly as good as…
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is a game I half regret playing. I picked it up because it was getting positive reviews. Once…
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks got a pretty hard time from critics at release. Although, I personally can’t say I care for it that…
When you’re constantly thinking about the games you haven’t played, it’s easy to forget about the ones you have. As a child, I adored The…
Just because you want something doesn’t mean you’ll like it. As someone who largely games alone, for years I wanted a way to play The…
I’m not surprised most people don’t like Castlevania 64. On the surface, the game looks and feels poorly executed. It’s a product of the late…
Nintendo fans in the Americas had to fight to get games like Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story and Pandora’s Tower released in their territory. But…