Music Catch Review

January 15, 2012 0

When applying for a job position awhile back ago I had to review a free flash game called Music Catch in under 300 words. Unfortunately,…

Dat Visual Novel Feel

January 9, 2012 0

I often ask myself, “exactly what makes visual novels so enjoyable?” To be honest, it's a question I'm probably not fit to answer for others,…

DEARDROPS Impressions

January 8, 2012 4

If there's one thing I've learned jumping from visual novel trial to visual novel trial, it's that I'm not particularly fond of OVERDRIVE's works. Kira…

Wut U Talkin Bout? XIII

September 25, 2010 0

Originally Posted on TheSpeedGamers Wut U Talkin Bout is a quick look at overlooked titles in gaming history, or an overlooked entry in a franchise.…