What is One Controller Port?


*End of Post*

Joking aside, that’s actually kind of accurate. Hence the name of the website.

There have been many channel changes lately, so given the ongoing turmoil, many people have asked me what I’m doing with the channel/website going forward. I can quell one fear: I don’t plan to retire from blabbing my mouth on the internet about video games any time soon.

But the direction and focus of OCP has been an on-going issue. I’ve become a lot of things to a lot of different people, and while I probably could be successful if I boiled the channel down to just one thing that I care about, I don’t think I’d be happy with that.It’s hard to figure out why you do something on your own.

It’s hard to figure out why you do something on your own.

I’m doing a bit of self-analyzing here so forgive me if this sounds a bit weird or if later I find this isn’t really the case, but I think I’m passionate about helping people be more open-minded. What exactly that means and how I do it is hard to say.

While I wasn’t thinking about it this way at the time, in hindsight, I think many of my videos feel like they have some kind of underlying message.

  • PC-FX Library Overview is looking beyond surface-level narratives.
  • Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival is about how you can find fun outside of the developer’s ruleset.
  • Positive Retro Game Collecting is about taking control of a situation you’re unhappy with and changing it for the better.
  • Nintendoji is about not being scared away by Japanese text in mechanically approachable games
  • Buddy Mission BOND is kind of expansion of Nintendoji video into a story-heavy experience.
  • Doraemon is about finding value in individual features of a game.
  • and so on…

It feels like HuneX loved their ladies. Now, they love their men.

Those are more recent videos, but heck, even going back to the HuneX Fighters 98 video, I think I wanted to convey this small company, which doesn’t mean anything to almost anyone, likely had a passionate group of individuals behind it, who built a lot of love in care into these games and characters that might as well no longer exist in the modern industry.

Who knows, maybe I’m just making it up after the fact. But these are definitely the videos I feel most proud of… even I have a hard time going back to watch them sometimes lol.

The scripted premiere videos that lack that aspect? I often feel like I wonder “what’s the point?” Yes, I told you about this game. But will it just disappear into the back of your head for eternity?

Why aren’t you playing Cinnamoroll’s Fluffy Big Adventure?

Don’t get me wrong. I do love talking about individual video games. Hence the more casual-style video reviews that I try to make and chatting away on the podcast. But I have a hard time meticulously crafting videos around something without a core objective in mind.

So, at least for now, I think my goal with the main OCP channel will be to wear that aspect more on its sleeve.

How do you fit that into a short description blurb in a YouTube or Twitter bio? I have no idea. But I think I want to move away from defining the channel by types of games, such as imports, obscurities, hot takes, or whatever.

Maybe video games that make you think? I don’t know. That’s a high bar to set for myself, or maybe a pompous way of putting it.

And who knows, anyone along the ride here knows how finicky of a person I can be. But this interpretation of what OCP is, or can be, is the most representative of what I’ve been trying to do.