Nintendo 3DS is launching tomorrow. Soon the platform will be out in the hands of thousands of Americans.  I want to know what your final thoughts are going into Nintendo 3DS’ launch. Are you getting it day one? Why? Is it the launch software line-up or the investment? Are you not getting a 3DS? Why not? What does Nintendo need to do to push you to purchasing one?

Nintendo 3DS! It comes out tomorrow (or midnight Sunday morning, whatever), in case you didn’t know. Unless, of course you live in Europe. Then you might already have it! Oh, European delight. I’ve already shared my first impressions of the platform, but now I want to ask you guys some questions about Nintendo 3DS. I figured before the rest of us get our hands on the 3DS, I’d ask how you feel about the platform in general and what you expect in the future. If you’re getting Nintendo 3DS at launch, why? Is it the investment? The launch software? Why day one? If you aren’t getting one or waiting, why not? Is the software not interesting enough for you yet? Does the system in general seem like a gimmick? What needs to be done to quench your thirst to push you to buy the system?

Right out the gate, I’m not too excited. Most launch software isn’t interesting enough to take out my wallet. Even looking at upcoming titles, I don’t really see anything particularly interesting. What does excite me though is Nintendo’s push to be more cooperative with third parties. No, I don’t particularly care if Call of Duty or Metal Gear Solid ends up on 3DS. I’m hoping the improved relations will push more third party collaborative software, whether it be a new IP or an old franchise. These collaborations always create unique software with a Nintendo spin in genres, settings, and themes Nintendo normally wouldn’t step foot in. Nintendo has been doing this for quite some time now, but the more the merrier. The last really big title Nintendo did this with was The Last Story, developing alongside with Mist Walker and AQ Interactive.

The Last Story on the Wii is both a third party collaboration and a title yet to be localized

And for me particularly, there’s all those C level franchises and standalone titles Nintendo will produce that I’m looking forward to coming along. But given Nintendo of America’s track record, I’m not particularly keeping my fingers crossed for localization. Region-lock for the lose.

In terms of the hardware itself, Nintendo, as with the Wii, has excited me with their online plans. Note the word “plans.” Nintendo Wii had an awesome 24/7 connection concept that was never utilized to any degree. Instead it just made your system as hot as Local due to the lack of power to the fans. Nintendo’s ‘always connected’ strategy on the 3DS seems to be the revival of this idea, connecting you to any open hotspot it passes as well as other 3DSs. We’ll have to see if Nintendo decides to pull the rug out from under this feature again though.

Everyone has a 3DS! Even the cat!

So, yeah. Not a particularly long article. I mainly made this because I wanted to see what you guys think of the Nintendo 3DS and what kind of software or system features you’d like in the future. Comments section! It’s below! Type in it, and make me happy.

Also, don’t forget to check out our 3DS coverage starting tomorrow via the live stream. I also plan on doing an unboxing ASAP, so look out for that on TSGPress.

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