Blue Breaker Burst 2 is a Japanese-only 3D fighter that’s based off a Japanese-only RPG for a Japanese-only console, the PCFX.
The gameplay of Blue Breaker Burst 2 is not really worth talking about. What stands out about it are the cutscenes. The game has a large number of them and they almost all feature voice overs.
Like many titles, it mainly uses 2D sprites for these scenes. But unlike others it features semi-animated character portraits that animate between different poses. It’s a little touch that goes a long way. You don’t see hand-drawn animated 2D portraits often, even today.
If you were a fan of the characters, I’d imagine this game offers a lot in terms of expanding the story behind them. That being said, at least in America, it’s a series that’s relatively unknown and there’s no fan translation for any of the Blue Breaker games.
If you don’t mind hours of character portraits and Japanese dialog, you might get something out of Blue Breaker Burst 2?
I’m an idiot. Don’t buy it.