Nintendoji is a maze dungeon crawler released in Japan as a downloadable Club Nintendo reward. You play a priest who descends into the city to…
For the Patreon podcast this week, I talk a bit about my PC wiring mess and just some general talking about some future video format…
After recommending Kimimi's article on Xenosaga Episode III on Twitter, I randomly pulled my old review for the Article Reading. (more…)
I talk about the conversations and discussions I've had about NFTs and how it may, or may not, effect gaming. (more…)
Recently I ran into an issue with covering a news story and finding I had a conflict of interest that made me second guess myself.…
This is a series of podcasts where I chat about games while I drove home from work. For this first episode, I talk about a…
I talk about me having trouble buying a new PC and also suddenly getting lost. (more…)
I read aloud the article I did on Full Spectrum Warrior in 2018, while also talking a bit about the problem with the article's structure.…
I plan to read aloud and provide commentary on a variety of articles from my decade plus of writing. This week I cover my Dark…
A pre-release episode of Car Talk that didn't make it onto the Patreon. (more…)